Get Engaging Neurodiversity Affirming Activities For Your School-aged Kids!

Teach your child/student about their own neurology. And build self-awareness, self-esteem and self-advocacy skills!


Get Engaging Neurodiversity Affirming Activities For Your School-aged Kids!

Teach your child/student about their own neurology. And build self-awareness, self-esteem and self-advocacy skills!


Take your kids on a neurodiversity affirming journey of self-discovery

Are you a parent, SLP, or professional striving to help your kids build self-awareness, confidence and self-advocacy skills?

Do you ever feel like it’s difficult to find activities that are 100% ND affirming and fulfill that goal?

I understand (really, I do). You’re not alone, and you’re definitely in the right place...

I’ve worked with autistic kids for over 20 years as an SLP…


When I first started making the shift to ND affirming practices, one big goal I always set for students was to work on self-advocacy.

I wanted to help kids navigate their world effectively without having to compromise who they are, helping them to become more confident and independent.

But I quickly realized, self-advocacy can’t come before self-awareness, acceptance, and confidence…

I needed fun, engaging activities to guide students from self-awareness, to confidence, and then to self-advocacy…

I tried everything: TPT activities that lacked depth and weren’t 100% ND affirming, online websites that fell short, and cobbling together my own resources (lotsa work!).

And over the years (after more than 500 hours of research), I’ve finally put together a pack of my most fun, simple, engaging, ‘at-their-level’ activities to help kids feel safe, confident and empowered in their neurodivergence.


The Ultimate Neurodiversity Affirming Activity Book for School-aged Kids

Ready-made activities for teaching about neurodiversity, and building self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-advocacy.

This done-for-you collection of activities will give you loads of easy, printable resources made just for your autistic students!


Your ‘All-In-One’ Activity Book For Teaching (And Learning) About Neurodiversity

Help your child be a part of the world around them in a way that’s comfortable for them while learning more about neurodiversity yourself!

This activity book is based on 500+ hours of research and 20+ years of experience boiled down into incredibly simple, easy-to-understand lessons everyone can enjoy.

With these activities, your child/student will discover:


  • The key concepts of neurodiversity
  • How to love & accept themselves
  • Why special interests matter
  • Personal interests & preferences
  • Sensory processing differences
  • Their own sensory preferences
  • Social communication styles
  • Communication modalities (“modes”)
  • Self-advocacy foundations
  • Key strategies for self-advocacy
  • And more!

Perfect for SLPs, parents, teachers, and professionals

Choose the pathway that fits your student's needs!

Pathway #1

Go on an enlightening neurodiverse journey together


Go in order through the activities, building a ‘ground-floor’ understanding of neurodiversity before discovering unique preferences and working on self-advocacy.

Pathway #2

Use flexible, standalone activities on the fly


Know what you need? Jump ahead and hand-pick the activities you feel are most relevant to your child/student. You can go in any order!

Bonus: "Digital Companion"


Enjoy even MORE supportive resources with Speech Dude's digital companion, which includes:

  • 10 Video Lessons w/ Speech Dude (teaching the core concepts in the activities)
  • 20 more resources (from autistic & neurodivergent sources) going deeper on the topics

Get the fun, engaging ND affirming activities you want to do with your kids…


…Without the work or stress of having to create them, or figure it all out on your own.


This pack of resources is ready to go out of the box. No work, no stress.

Start using them right away with your child or students/clients, and save yourself the headache of creating these resources on your own.

I know you’re going to love them! ;)

The Ultimate Neurodiversity Affirming Activities Book



  • 38 Powerful Neurodiversity Affirming Activities
  • Build self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-advocacy
  • BONUS: Digital Companion (w/ 10 'ready to use' videos from Speech Dude)
  • BONUS: Links to 20 AWESOME resources & videos from autistic and neurodivergent sources

Questions? Here are answers...